Why is it so hard
to get my merchant data
and reconcile my payments metrics?
Extracting payments data from your processor's system is step 1. We make this as easy as sharing access or api keys, then our processing takes over
With data, analytics is now the opportunity for merchants to understand their payments and reduce their payments costs.
We understand your accountant needs help reconciling your payment activity, and turning that into a high level P&L will help them close the books faster every month
When you're an ecommerce merchant, understanding payments is a massive opportunity to improve your financial performance. Ripello helps you collect your data, process the analytics to understand performance, and output monthly statements on your payments activity to help your accountants reconcile your monthly payment activity in hours instead of days. We typically save clients at least 20% and reduce internal labor by 30-60 hours per month.
We're in beta with Stripe clients today. If you're a Stripe user and have these challenges, contact us today. If you're using another payment processor or PSP, let us know what you'd like to see us support next.